- DistatisR::BeersProjectiveMapping7 (fictitious) assessors sort and verbally describe 7 Beers using _Projective Mapping_.
- DistatisR::DistAlgoFour computer algorithms evaluate the similarity of six faces for distatis analysis
- DistatisR::SortTen Assessors sorted eight beers for 'distatis' analysis
- DistatisR::SortSpice21 French assessors sorted 16 blends of Spice for 'distatis' analysis
- DistatisR::amariSorting25 assessors twice sort and describe 12 amaris (i.e., bitter)
- DistatisR::beersBlindSortingNovices and Experts sorted 3 types of beers from 3 different brewers without and without seeing the beers.
- DistatisR::multiculturalSortingSpices62 assessors from 5 countries sort 16 spice samples
- DistatisR::sortingWinesNovices and wines experts sort red, rosé, and white wines